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webrtc app development

What is WebRTC Development & How does WebRTC works?

WebRTC is the latest technology in peer-to-peer or multiparty communication through web and mobile applications. Requiring no external software, having WebRTC based applications let your business incorporate features like text, voice, and video calling directly into your applications. WebRTC is an open-source project which is released by Google in 2011, WebRTC provides API-based communication between web browsers and mobile applications, including transmissions of audio, video, and data. WebRTC has grown drastically over the last few years, companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google, IBM executed WebRTC to make their web applications faster, reliable, and more secure. webrtc app development

How does WebRTC works?

WebRTC’s primary aim is to allow real-time audio and video interaction among attendees, who use web browsers to make conversation, discover each other, and bypass firewalls.WebRTC, which is embedded within a browser, makes use of JavaScript APIs and HTML5. The following are typical characteristics of a WebRTC application:-
  • Send and receive streaming audio and video.
  • Send media data, such as image resolution and video codecs.
  • Obtain network configuration data, such as IP addresses, application ports, firewalls, and NATs (network address translators), which are required to send and receive data to another client via the WebRTC API.

Which company offers the best WebRTC App Development?

startelelogic is an experienced WebRTC development company and develops large unified applications with an eclectic mix of clients across different industries.

Core Functionalities in startelelogic WebRTC App Development

Video Calls & Conferencing
audiocall-confrence-webrtc Audio Calls & Conferencing instant-messaging-webrtc Instant Messaging co-browsering-webrtc Co- Browsing screen-share-webrtc Screen Sharing Internet telephony Internet telephony features livecall-webrtc Live Call Recording and many more…..
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