Vodafone offers its solutions in India through the Vodafone One net Enterprise. The One Net Enterprise solution is featuring Cisco as well as Microsoft. The company has 24% of the total market share and 11% of the total income generated through the enterprise service.
Indian telecom companies have bright future in unified communication. The rising demand from the Government of India and other state governments for unified communication infrastructure to mitigate the risk associated with the communication, especially video conferences, between remotely located offices and headquarters help telecom companies to acquire UC service business. The digital India initiative, a Government of India scheme, to connect 2.5 villages with high speed internet connectivity is opening another opportunity to the telecom companies.
Many Indian telecom companies has started to offer access and devise agnostic communication. ‘UC as a service’ is one the fastest evolving industry in India due to the heavy impact of cloud on UC. However, their service capability and quality are still needs much improvements to become a mature service provider.